| God loves me |
If you're a member of the human race then God loves you;
not just with any old 'love' but with a love that will last
forever (Jeremiah 31v3) and one which drove him to give his
own son, Jesus to die in your place. As it says in 1John
3v16, "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid
down his life for us."
You see love is not just something
God does, it's what He is. He defines the true meaning of
love. In 1John 4v16 it simply says "God
is love".
But why would God love us; why would He love you?
If you have ever had a child then you may be able to understand
something of how God feels towards you. When my wife was
pregnant with our first child, I had a photo from the ultrasound
scan which I was so proud of. I loved that baby so much.
I had never before experienced the force of love like this.
But why? He didn't really look like much, he couldn't do
anything to impress me or say anything to please me. He
was just a white smudge on a black square. I didn't love
my son because he desrved it, I loved him because he was
MY SON! In a mysterious way, my wife and I had 'made' him.
He was ours.
Whether you believe it or not, God created you. In Psalm
139v13 it says "For you created
my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."
You are the work of His
hands, His own creation and nothing you or anyone else may
do can change that fact or His love for you. In Romans 8v38-39
it says "...neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither
height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will
be able to separate us from the love of God...".
You may wonder how there can be a loving God when there
is so much sadness & evil in the world. The simplest answer
to that is that God created us to have free will rather than
running the world and us like robots. Much of the sadness
in the world is due to mankind's wrong decisions and selfish
actions. Ultimately the Bible teaches that evil, sickness
& death only entered the world because of a wrong choice,
the disobedience of the first man, Adam. Romans 5v12 says
"...sin entered the world through
one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came
to all men..."
The ultimate demonstration and proof of God's love for you
is the death of Jesus on the cross over 2000 years ago but
we'll come on to that in point number 3.
Click here for point number 2.